NEWS & UPDATESThe OMSOC Annual Scientific Meeting held at The Westin Edmonton in Alberta was a success! Thank you to all of our attendees and speakers.
These UGME Core Competencies were developed by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee of the Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada (OMSOC). The physicians on this committee are from 8 Canadian Universities and are all involved in medical students’ education in occupational Medicine in their respective faculties. The residency program directors of the three specialty programs in Canada were also members of the committee. The Core Competencies were reviewed by the Ontario WSIB Workplace Champions Program. The program consists of an Occupational Medicine Faculty Lead from each of the six Ontario medical schools. The Competencies are also supported by OEMAC and the OMA section on Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Visit our educational resources page to view the Occupational Medicine Core Competencies. | WELCOME TO THE NEW OMSOC WEBSITE! Welcome to the new OMSOC website where you can access the benefits of membership and stayed informed about upcoming conferences, initiatives and much more. If you haven't already, please take a moment to update your personal member profile. |
OMSOC is Canada’s only medical society devoted to the specialty practice of occupational medicine. OMSOC brings together occupational medicine specialists and physicians from other specialties with an interest in occupational medicine to advise on health policy, encourage discussion and collaboration amongst stakeholders with whom OMSOC’s members interact, including physicians, employers, labour groups, and other allied health professionals, and to advance the specialty practice of occupational medicine through conferences and the training of future occupational medicine specialists.
The Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada is the recognized National Specialty Society for Occupational Medicine with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada